Wimp_TransferBlock is a security nightmare. Now this is like complaining about the size of one of the holes in a colander, but considering its entire purpose is to allow any program to read and write the memory of every other program, there’s no avoiding the unnecessary overpowered nature of the call. It exists primarily to allow RamFetch to be implemented, but it does far too much for that (and doesn’t check for even trivial errors). It’s dangerous. This module defangs Wimp_TransferBlock so it can only be used with permission. This means RamFetch still works, but any other nefarious use does not. It also prevents a task writing outside the RamFetch buffer. Inevitably this prevents some debugging tools from working, like Zap’s Read Memory window, but what do you expect. Computer now says No. Please don’t mistake this for any kind of security whatsoever.